

Hi Mother, Dear Mother, how are you doing?
Sorry I haven’t called recently, I’m getting by okay…

*Your body is small and so are your hands
White hairs are mixed in and you’ve grown more genial
But to me you’re still bigger than anything, stronger than anyone
I want to tell my kids about this love that supported me

Even though I grow impatient when I’m near you
When you’re far away from me I grow lonely
That’s who you are to me, you can cut through any problem and solve it
And you have the most patience and toughness of anyone I know
You would always be concerned over my well-being before your own

Cooking, doing the laundry, cleaning, raising a child
You even worked during your free time
You would only require things from the lowest places
I didn’t understand even though it was so obvious
It wasn’t until I started living by myself that I understood
Whenever I think of how much you’ve accomplished
And how hard it must have been, I feel like I can try my best today


I’d say, “Wake me up at seven a.m.”
And you would wake me up right on time
But I would be unfair to you
And say the words “shut up” while I was still half-asleep
This was the daily routine
You never made one tired face
And woke me up every day
Warmer and more accurately than any alarm clock

But then one day I skipped school and said, “I don’t wanna go”
I wouldn’t leave my futon and you stood in front of me
Hid your face with both hands and cried loudly
I also felt sad and cried
At that time I blamed myself wondering, “How could I be so stupid?”

Your body is small and so are your hands
White hairs are mixed in and you’ve grown more genial
But to me you’re still bigger than anything, stronger than anyone
I give you thanks for this love that supported me, my mother

I know there’s nothing more painful in the world
Than a parent burying their child
So I’ll make sure it never happens
Even if I only live one second longer than you
I’ll make sure of it…

I’m glad I’m your child
I’m glad you’re my mother
And that won’t ever change
It won’t ever change for all time
Because I am the very image of you…


Be my mother forever
Be well forever
You still have one more job left to do
And that’s to accept your son’s love and respect for you…

_Seamo : Mother (english translation)_


manusia malam

. . . . .

Dia menyingsingkan pagi dan menjadikan malam untuk beristirahat, dan (menjadikan) matahari dan bulan untuk perhitungan. Itulah ketentuan Allah Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Mengetahui.

Dialah yang menjadikan malam bagi kamu supaya kamu beristirahat padanya dan (menjadikan) siang terang benderang (supaya kamu mencari karunia Allah). Sesungguhnya pada yang demikian itu terdapat tanda-tanda (kekuasaan Allah) bagi orang-orang yang mendengar.

. . . . .

tapi emang dasar gw! Tetep aja ‘hidup’nya waktu malem…


he has captured me with his eyes

The corner of my mouth turned up in a wistful half-smile, "I used to think of you that way, you know. Like the sun. My personal sun. You balanced out the clouds nicely for me."

He sighed. "The clouds I can handle. But I can't fight with an eclipse."

_isabella swan and jacob black_
_stephenie meyer: eclipse_

gambar: dari sini


topeng kaca

dan tangis itu pun datang...

saat menemuimu.
setelah hampir 9 tahun tak melihatmu

tangis yang selama ini disembunyikannya

hanya ceria yang membantunya terlihat tegar

dan kini dia puas...

walau hanya dalam hitungan menit ia berjumpa denganmu.


simfoni hitam *)

_ _

aku tetap di tempat yang sama dengan ruang berbeda.

Masih dengan nuansa warna yang sama.

Hanya semakin pekat dan membuat yang lain samar.

_ _

Banyak hal yang pengen gw tuangkan ke dalam tulisan.

Tapi bahkan huruf, kata, kalimat, bahkan rangkaian paragraf ga akan ngewakilin semuanya.

_ _

… melodi rintik hujan …

… tarian pohon …

… senandung angin …

_ _

Udah lama ga ‘nikmatin’ sebuah lagu.

Dan lagu ini (*)…

… menjadi ‘penenang’.

_ _

* sebuah lagu dari sherina munaf.